Cisco Pitch Work

We all know how meetings can turn a planned day of production into a confusing frenzy of notes, donuts and coffee. See how Cisco can make your life easier.

We Know Meetings from Nick Pitcavage on Vimeo.

One of my first challenges at Rockfish was to execute a video for a client pitch. I brainstormed with Eric Hinson and Matt Warlick and we came up with a solid Kinetic Typography treatment to execute the concept created by John Cox and the rest of the Rockfish pitch team.

John Cox did a great job as a Voice Over talent as well.

I directed the style of the video, and animated all but one line of the video. I also laid the final audio together with the final timeline. After Effects and ProTools were the only software tools used.

Eric Hinson animated the "Lots of Re-occuring Meetings" scene.